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Hi, my name is Roger Acres.
If you've ever served at BMH Munster then you will have many happy memories of a period in your life that can never be relived. BMH Munster has now closed, along with a number of other Military Hospitals around the globe. The army medical services are not like they used to be. Like me, you probably made many friends in Munster and have happy memories of NAAFI disco's, The Ahsee, the Student Quarter and Jazz bars. Also like me, you may wonder from time to time, what happened to so and so, or who married who etc etc. IF so then this site is for you. Please feel free to leave a message or contact details in the guestbook on the contact page.

If you want to contact me then please e mail me by clicking below.
E mail Roger Acres

About Me
I joined BMH Munster in 1985 after a short tour in Belize. I particularly remember my first few months. Having arrived just before xmas the review was about to take place. I played the part of a headmaster during the interval and did the register call that Rowan Atkinson used to do.
I spent 4 happy years at Munster and fondly remember being NAAFI DJ with Tracy (Fitz) Fitzpatrick. Apologies to all those who came under the spotlight whilst dancing (Especially the guy from 5ADFA who had the white shoes). Those were great nights weren't they. I would love to contact a number of people I met and lost touch with, viz, Sparrow, Dave Graves, Sally Francis, Tracy Kemp, etc etc etc. A great five years and we won a few trophies for athletics, cross country, orienteering and hockey. Anyone know what happened to the likes of Roger the orderly Sgt, Frank the little old lance jack and Chicken George.